Our Services

Human Capital Solutions​

Our Human Capital solutions are transformational, responsive to business
optimization and aligns talent agenda to business strategy. Our expertise covers
key areas such as HR audit, HR strategy and policies, organizational design, workforce productivity analytics and modelling, HR outsourcing (payroll, HR implants,
placements), job evaluation, compensation and benefits structuring, capability
building, talent acquisition, organizational transformation, workforce labour market
analysis, HR business process re-engineering and health workforce/human
resources for health (HRH) solutions

Strategy & Transformation

Our strategy and transformation solutions are designed to deliver strategic change. We assess the organization’s
ecosystem building blocks including governance, leadership, strategy, finance, delivery models, and internal controls among others. Our aim is to optimize business alignment and maximize performance through value re-engineering. We support organizations to formulate strategies that transform their businesses. We assess the state
of the current operating model, define future state options and develop a future state operating model, and
roadmap for organizational transformation. We also support the private, public sector and for purpose organizations (INGOs, development partners) to design Service Delivery Units (SDUs), Result Management Units (RMUs)
as vehicles to drive transformation initiatives. We have expertise in cocreation, designing and managing donor
funded projects

Research and Data Science

We conduct research studies to inform evidence on what works, test and scale transformative solutions. We deploy
our data science expertise to generate evidence which helps business leaders to make informed critical business
decisions including design of enterprise operating model, optimization of operational costs and risk management.
Our offerings include implementation science research, workforce productivity modelling, workforce analytics,
artificial intelligence (AI) embedded management systems, data protection systems.